Early Bird Registration:  12/6/2024 - 12/31-24

Regular Registration: 1/1/25 - 2/2/25

Friendship Team Rosters Due: 1/28/25

Games begin: 3/17/25

Registration Prices:
Tball - $175
6U - $175
7U - $200
8U - $200
9U - $225
10U - $225
11/12U - $225
13/15U - $225

The division you play is in determined by your birthday as of April 30th, 2025

*After registration, only a 50% refund will be given for withdrawals, no refunds after drafts are complete*

Bat Regulations: 

Wooden bats are not allowed in any division during game play.

4/5U division bats must say Tee Ball on it. Big barrel bats are not allowed.

6U - 15U divisions must have the USSSA BPF 1.15 rating on it. If it does not have this rating, it cannot be used.  If an illegal bat is caught being used during a game, proper measures will be taken.

Evaluation Dates: Only have to attend one evaluation day

4/5U - 11/12U EVALUATIONS:

JANUARY 30TH - Times will be announced later 

FEBRUARY 1ST- Times to be announced later

  • Players only attend ONE evaluation day
  • Players who are saved on a "Friendship Team Roster" may not participate in evaluations.
  • Head coach and assistant coaches players may not participate in evaluations. 
  • Please be sure to bring a bat, helmet, cleats, and a glove to evaluations


FEBRUARY 1ST - Times to be announced later


Team Mom Meeting: 2/13 @ 6:30pm at Magnolia Community Center on Buddy Reilly Rd. Team information will be released this day for uniform pick up dates, to sponsorship information, etc. Please have one representative attend this meeting. If you have any questions please contact Kailyn Correa

Uniform Pick Up: *must have sponsorship money turned in* Beginning of March will be uniform pick up

Games begin: 3/17/2025

Opening Day: 3/22/2025

Picture Day: TBD

All-Stars Tournament Weekends:

Each coach nominates a few kids from their team to join all-stars. The 1st and 2nd place coaches of the regular season standings will put together an "All-Star Team" of the league and be able to attend the following All Star Tournaments. Please keep these dates in mind if your child could potentially be nominated to be on the All Star team!

  • Metro Tournament: TBD
  • Fairfield Allstars: TBD
  • Conroe Allstars: TBD
  • Magnolia Allstars: TBD


Spring evaluations are mandatory for all players wishing to be in the draft. 

Any player not participating in an evaluation will be considered a hat pick and placed on the next available team. Hat picks are not allowed to be traded!

Next Evaluation Date - January 30th & February 1st

  • Players only need to attend ONE day of evaluations
  • Players who are rostered to a friendship team, may not participate in evaluations
  • Players who are children of the coaches, may not participate in evaluations.
  • Players are highly encouraged to bring a bat, glove, cleats, and batting helmet to evaluations.

Practices will begin the following week and are scheduled by each team manager. Please be patient as the coaches get this information out to you. 


Drafts will be held on February 6, 2025 from 6pm to finish 

One representative from each team will meet on this night to draft their teams. Please have your coaches uniform sizes ready for this date.

Team Managers are responsible for making initial contact with their team within 4 days of drafts.  

If players haven't been contacted by their coach by Sunday, February 9th, please reach out to your division player agent. You can find player agent information under "Volunteers".


Each team must have a sponsor to cover the cost of the players and coach’s uniforms. Team Sponsors will receive a sponsor sign to remain at the field for a year as well as a plaque from the team.  Different levels of sponsorships are available.  Please see our sponsors page for details. 

Your sponsorship money must be in before picking up uniforms.


There is one mandatory $50 fundraiser during the Spring season.

You will be able to do a Fundraiser Buyout option at the time of registration

For Questions please reach out to Mia Horvat


Uniform information will be given to the Team Moms at the team mom meeting.

The spring season uniforms will include jersey, hat, belt and socks. These are paid through your team sponsorship. Uniforms come with a number, but names are not on the jerseys. 

Each player will be responsible for their own pants!

Color will be decided by the team manager. If your names will be added to your shirt and hats that will also be decided by the team manager.

Uniform pick up will be held the beginning of March.

Spirit Wear

Spirit wear/Fan wear can be purchased for a limited time by following the link listed below.  

Link: https://eaglecustomapparel.chipply.com/magboliabb/store.aspx?action=viewall


Games are played at the Magnolia Youth Sports Complex @ 31225 Friendship Drive, Magnolia, Texas. For the Spring 2025 season, games will be played on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays starting at 6:30pm for weekday games and 9:00am on the weekends.  If needed, games may be scheduled on a Wednesday night for some divisions. We also take care not to schedule games for affected divisions on the evenings before state school testing.

Practice times and places are set by the team manager. Generally, they are held at the MBA fields (prior to the season beginning), local schools & subdivisions. Times and places will vary from team to team.

The Spring 2025 Season for 4U-11/12U will begin with games on March 17th and ending early May. There will be a single elimination End of Season tournament.  The 13-15U division will interleague with Fairfield Sports Association and will be scheduled accordingly.

Games are played according to Nations-Baseball Rules, as well as MBA Ground Rules. Links to each can be found on our website.



Vendors are welcome to attend. Please see "Vendors" page under Volunteers for the form to sign up! 


Pictures will be taken on TBA

Location and Times will be released at a later date


Trophies are given to teams finishing 1st and 2nd in their divisions for regular season in 4/5U-13/15U. All teams in 4/5U will receive a glove trophy that do not place 1st or 2nd.

Rings are given to teams finishing 1st and 2nd in the end of season tournament for 6U-13/15U. 4/5U does not have a end of season tournament. 

All players will receive a hat pin.

13-15U will interleague with Fairfield Sports Association and will receive a trophy if they finish 1st or 2nd in league standings and a ring for 1st and 2nd in end of season tournament.